Autometrix East Coast Office

Autometrix Inc. Expands Operations Providing Accessibility to East Coast Businesses

“I’m very excited to see the Akron office open. I know how important it is for people to experience technology first hand when making such an important decision.  I believe this demonstrates Autometrix’s attentiveness and dedication to accessibility,” commented Jonathan Palmer, CEO

Blue Waters Spa Covers using Autometrix Cutting Table

Blue Water Spa Covers Counts on Autometrix to Keep Their Business Flowing

Brian Keihner, owner of Blue Water Spa Covers, has been very happy with the reliability of his Autometrix fabric cutting machine. He recently purchased another cutting machine to run at a second business location. “The machine absolutely never breaks,” he said.

Software developer - Autometrix

Autometrix Developer – Famous Not Just For His Math Skills

Precision cutting requires a lot of math, and Steve was hired in part because of his passion for math.  Steve was first hired to work on our hot and extremely popular digitizing solution CADShot Mobile.  But not many of his co-workers know that Steve is in the Sacramento Music Hall of Fame