Fire Resistant Fabric

Specialty Fabrics Hot Trend: Fire Resistant Fabrics

Fire-resistant Fabrics a Hot Trend in Specialty Fabrics. Reports forecast record growth in the global fire-resistant fabrics market. The study predicts the market will increase by $1.8 billion to $3.5 billion in 2025

Revolutionary Software from Autometrix

Workflow – a Revolutionary Software for Manufacturers who use Cut Parts for Production

Workflow is a revolutionary new software tool from Autometrix that makes producing large numbers of customized products easy – and fast. Workflow has application in any markets that manufacture products made from multiple cut pieces - and paired with templates, its power is even more apparent .

Cole-Tac Cuddle Bags-Autometrix

Autometrix Helps Cole TAC Produce Top Quality Products in the U.S

Many of our customers pride themselves on manufacturing products in the U.S.A. It might be more expensive, but these manufacturers are committed to producing the highest quality product possible, and they feel they have more control over the process when they do it locally.  

Curiosity Pays Off — Cut Form Expands Their Business with a Cutting Table

Cut Form LLC is one of those customer stories where a business owner used his Autometrix cutting table to expand and transform his business, with great success. It started with curiosity.

Software developer - Autometrix

Autometrix Developer – Famous Not Just For His Math Skills

Precision cutting requires a lot of math, and Steve was hired in part because of his passion for math.  Steve was first hired to work on our hot and extremely popular digitizing solution CADShot Mobile.  But not many of his co-workers know that Steve is in the Sacramento Music Hall of Fame